A large number of our readers took the time to complete our ProPage user survey – thank you so much for your participation! We have evaluated the results and we are very happy to find that more than two thirds of you consider the REC ProPage a useful marketing tool.
What is more, we have received very valuable feedback on what new features you would like to see and how to make the ProPage work better for you. We will continue to evolve the REC ProPage to make it even better – stay tuned for updates!

The REC ProPage is an exclusive tool to help you create a webpage dedicated to REC products with content automatically updated by REC to save you time and money, as well as personalization options for your company. If you haven’t created a ProPage yet: it is pretty easy, according to 63% of our survey respondents. To make it even easier, we recently held two ProPage webinars – and if you missed them, you can watch the recordings via the links below. You will find plenty of pointers on where to start and how to make your ProPage an effective part of your marketing mix:
RECent News June 2023